Illness From Asbestos Exposure Wasn’t In Your Job Description
Asbestos companies continue to put their profits before the health of their employees and customers. If exposure to asbestos has caused you to get sick, you may feel betrayed and uncertain about the future.
The attorneys at Wylder Corwin Kelly LLP fight to help victims of asbestos-related illness receive the answers, justice and compensation they deserve.
Positive Results Are Our Greatest Award
Asbestos Exposure
We fight for victims suffering from asbestos-related illnesses, including lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, lung scarring and asbestosis.
Asbestos ExposureMesothelioma
We help individuals diagnosed with all forms of mesothelioma.
Forms Of MesotheliomaExperienced Litigators With A Legacy Of Leveraging Positive Results
Some firms take mass claims and settle quickly for small amounts; we want to hold giant, well-funded companies accountable for the horrible injustice they’ve caused. We are always ready for trial and won’t settle for less than you deserve.