An overview of Illinois asbestos regulations

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2019 | Asbestos |

Illinois asbestos laws exist to regulate the structural and environmental exposure of the hazardous material. The main goal of asbestos regulations is to protect Illinois inhabitants from the toxic substance. These laws promote safety through implementing strict standards regarding the construction, renovation and demolition of commercial and residential properties.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Asbestos Unit is the regulatory agency in the state. The Asbestos Unit enforces federal regulations as well, particularly the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants.

Illinois legislation enacted in the 1980s requires the inspection and removal of asbestos fibers in local schools. The staff at the Illinois Department of Public Health is responsible for reviewing asbestos plans for school facilities and inspecting abatement projects to verify compliance with federal and state laws.

Newer regulations enact stricter safety standards for any activities regarding asbestos in public and commercial buildings. Workers who abate or manage asbestos must receive the proper training and licensing. Contractors who conduct abatement projects must obtain insurance and licenses. Supervisors must be designated to ensure contractors are following regulations. Air Sampling Professionals have a duty to take samples of the air to determine the amount of airborne asbestos in and around the work area. These professionals must ensure that the area is safe for reoccupation after the conclusion of the project.

According to the Illinois EPA, operators and owners who are subject to the NESHAP must submit a notification form and a $150 fee 10 working days prior to commencing a regulated asbestos renovation or demolition project.