Understanding secondhand asbestos exposure

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2019 | Asbestos |

People have known about the dangers of asbestos exposure for decades now. Luckily, it is no longer as prevalent as it used to be, but many people still come into contact with the substance. In fact, secondhand asbestos exposure is a major problem, and it is more likely to impact the lives of women and children.

Secondhand asbestos occurs when someone who was in contact with asbestos physically brings it to someone who was nowhere in the vicinity. In the past, this usually occurred when a construction worker dealing with asbestos would return home, and his clothing would contact furniture, walls and other items around the house. The wife and children who did not work with asbestos still suffered from its effects. Individuals who suffer from the effects of asbestos in any form may seek compensation for any illnesses that developed.

What are the dangers of secondhand exposure?

The risks of secondhand exposure are exactly the same as primary exposure. People may develop asbestos-related illnesses, including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. It may also lead to less severe complications, including pleural plaques.

Extensive research has gone into studying the impact of secondhand asbestos exposure, and all of them draw a direct link between a person’s medical condition and asbestos.

Is a lawsuit possible?

It is possible to file a lawsuit due to harm from secondhand exposure. However, it is a much more difficult case to win. Individuals who work in construction or mining can show direct relation between asbestos contact and their medical conditions. Determining liability for secondhand exposure is not as easy. In fact, some states have rejected secondhand claims entirely.

To strengthen a case, it is important to identify the sources of the asbestos and how the person with firsthand exposure may have brought the fibers into the home.