While most people understand that asbestos exposure can lead to illness, many individuals might not know that areas of risk remain. Some products still rely on asbestos to get optimal performance.
The area of brake and clutch repair in automotive shops and home garages still poses a risk to some individuals.
Preventing asbestos exposure in professional shops
The EPA prints information to help professional automotive technicians avoid inadvertent exposure to asbestos when dealing with brake or clutch repairs. All automotive workers should know that some, though not all, brakes and clutches in use today might contain asbestos. The repair process could bring these individuals into contact with asbestos dust.
Sometimes workers can see this dust, and other times the dust remains invisible due to its small size. Mechanics should read the information on the product to determine if asbestos is present. Workers might find it more difficult to determine the presence of asbestos in older products.
Technicians must follow certain steps to minimize asbestos exposure. These include using a negative pressure enclosure, a HEPA vacuum method or a wet cleaning method. OSHA regulations also allow a wet wipe method in shops that perform few brake and clutch jobs.
Preventing exposure in home garages
Due to the hazards involved, home mechanics should consider using a professional shop for brake and clutch repairs. As an alternative, home mechanics should use the wet wipe method. This method involves using a spray bottle at low pressure to wet the components and then wiping them clean with a cloth.
Asbestos exposure remains a danger for certain individuals in society. Best practices could prevent a serious illness.