Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is resistant to heat and flame. For this reason, it was once common in home building materials. Unfortunately, however, inhaling asbestos fibers can cause life-threatening lung diseases. Once the government realized the...
Back pain can be a mesothelioma warning sign
The mesothelium is a thin membrane that surrounds most of the major organs inside your body, including your lungs, heart and stomach. Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer that targets the mesothelium. While it may affect any area of the body that has...
Factors that increase your risk of an asbestos-related disease
When you make your living working in mining, construction, mining, chemical manufacturing or the automotive industry in Illinois, you face heightened risks of on-the-job asbestos exposure. A substance used in North America since the late 1800s, asbestos is also a...
A look at protections in place for asbestos materials
Products that contain asbestos remain in use in many different capacities throughout the world. The EPA continues to analyze many products for their safety to the general public, the environment and workers. Much of the protections in place fall under the Toxic...