If you have ever worked as a construction contractor, you may be able to recognize asbestos by sight without performing chemical testing. While asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber that builders and others used for decades, it comes in more than one form. In fact,...
Alleged mishandling at grocery store causes lawsuit concerns
The United States banned asbestos in the early 1990s. However, asbestos still finds a place in sealed items like car brakes these days and there is always the chance of uncovering old asbestos. Old buildings and machinery often insulated their walls and floors with...
How can I protect my family from asbestos?
Many Americans assume that asbestos is a workplace-related hazard. However, there are thousands of residential buildings across the US that may contain asbestos. Given how harmful asbestos exposure is, you must take all proper precautions. According to the...
What consumer products may contain asbestos?
Some consumer products you use may contain ingredients contaminated by the harmful substance asbestos. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration notes that products made with talc could contain asbestos fibers. Manufacturers generally add talc to products to reduce...
Which jobs have the highest rates of asbestos exposure?
Asbestos is a mineral that is commonly found in building materials due to its ability to resist heat and corrosion. It is generally harmless if it is left alone and not consumed or inhaled. Unfortunately, exposure to dust from this substance can cause problems such as...
Diagnosis of asbestosis
Prolonged exposure to asbestos can lead to a condition called asbestosis. This occurs when asbestos fibers irritate the lungs, forming scar tissue. Scarred lung tissue is stiffer and does not expand as well as healthy tissue. This makes breathing more difficult....
What are common exposure risks for asbestos?
In the past, asbestos was a popular construction product. It is a mineral made from thin fibers, often found in insulation. Unfortunately, when damaged, the fibers become airborne and become dangerous to anyone who inhales them. After years, people can develop...
What are the most common sources of asbestos exposure?
Though it has been decades since asbestos got banned as a building material, many buildings still stand that underwent construction while asbestos was still an okay product to use. On top of that, many things outside of buildings contain asbestos that you may not even...
Employers owe a duty to protect workers from asbestos
Employees handling materials containing asbestos have a right to protection from the harmful diseases it causes. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration established standards designed to reduce workers' exposure to asbestos. Employers must follow OSHA’s...
Categorizing types of asbestos
The word "asbestos" can apply to several different minerals that have similar properties. All can cause cancer and other respiratory illnesses if inhaled. According to Asbestos.com, there are at least six different types of asbestos classified into one of two mineral...