Asbestos exposure over a prolonged period of time can have numerous ill effects on the human body and especially the lungs. Atelectasis, a breathing complication that arises from inhaling foreign objects, is just one of them. This condition may affect the entire lung...
How to prove asbestos exposure was due to negligence
If you developed an illness from asbestos exposure, the company that exposed you may owe damages. However, you must prove their negligence first. According to the EPA, companies must identify and show transparency when manufacturing certain asbestos products. If you...
3 diseases related to asbestos exposure
Restrictions on the use of asbestos in building materials have helped to decrease the incidence of diseases associated with exposure. Nevertheless, older structures may still contain asbestos. This means that there is still a risk of exposure, especially for people...
Accident at chemical plant scatters asbestos debris
Since the primary method of asbestos exposure is the inhalation of its carcinogenic fibers, exposure may happen over many years or all at once. In the event of an accident involving asbestos, it is important to quarantine the area and deal with it carefully. What...
Common indications that your home contains asbestos
Asbestos was once commonly used in homes. Now that the public is widely aware of the health risks associated with this mineral, the Environmental Protection Agency and other government entities regulate its use. Despite these regulations, many older houses still have...
Does the state protect workers from harmful asbestos exposure?
Before the late 1970s, asbestos was commonly used in uncontrolled ways, leading to millions of people becoming sick and even dying from mesothelioma and other diseases. Like other states, Illinois took direction from the federal government to control the use of...
What is atelectasis?
Asbestos is an incredibly toxic substance that can cause serious medical issues, such as lung cancer. It can also cause other medical conditions, including atelectasis. This condition occurs when the small airways in your lungs are unable to inflate and deflate...
How should you handle asbestos when you are renting?
When you rent an apartment, you have the right to know about any building factors that can put you in danger. Asbestos is a common feature of rental units that your landlord should never overlook. Asbestos was once popular with developers due to its fire-safe,...
Does the EPA regulate asbestos?
After you develop an illness because of your exposure to asbestos, you may want to make sure that no one else has contact with this substance. The Environmental Protection Agency has increasingly recognized the danger of asbestos and taken steps to keep it away from...
Can asbestos make your home unsafe?
Asbestos exposure can impact your health and leave you battling symptoms that could develop into chronic illnesses. Even a minor presence of asbestos can have dangerous consequences, particularly if you or other family members already experience respiratory issues....