It is common to believe that mesothelioma is a lung cancer. While it is true that the disease can affect the lungs, that is not the only part of the body susceptible to this cancer. The Mayo Clinic explains there are multiple types of mesothelioma. It can impact the...
When should you talk to your doctor about a dry cough?
Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies or come down with the occasional cold, you may not think much about a dry cough. After all, coughs are alarmingly common. For that reason, it is possible to find a variety of over-the-counter and at-home remedies to alleviate...
Asbestos exposure lawsuit: Personal injury or wrongful death?
In the aftermath of a mesothelioma diagnosis, you and your family likely face financial and emotional difficulties. There is little the law can do to remedy the emotional burdens, but there are two legal options available to allow access to financial compensation for...
Should you worry about hoarseness?
Your voice is part of what makes you immediately recognizable to friends and family members. You also use your voice to complete your job duties, participate in social activities and even engage in recreational pursuits. Put simply, if you lose your voice, your life...
Testing and treatment for the four stages of mesothelioma
If you have been exposed to asbestos, perhaps as a construction worker or a firefighter, you may have symptoms that indicate the possibility of mesothelioma. What kind of tests will your doctor order? If pleural mesothelioma is the diagnosis, what is the stage of your...
How do the symptoms of mesothelioma vary by stage?
If you have reason to believe that you had asbestos exposure, you could be at risk for developing mesothelioma. According to the Mesothelioma Center, patients with pleural mesothelioma tend to have respiratory symptoms. While respiratory symptoms can occur with...
How can mesothelioma affect your life?
Prolonged and consistent exposure to harmful carcinogens can trigger the development of mesothelioma. If you begin to exhibit symptoms of this illness, you need to seek immediate medical attention. At the time of your diagnosis, you could face uncertainty about your...
Can you kill mesothelioma cancer cells with their own waste?
Few medical diagnoses can stop you in your tracks faster than cancer. If you worked with or near asbestos during your life, you probably are struggling to come to terms with your mesothelioma diagnosis. After all, there are currently few treatment options for this...
Can mesothelioma have mental effects?
Asbestos exposure has serious repercussions, including the cancerous condition called mesothelioma. This disease can ravage the body and many workers in construction - or even workers in old buildings - have to deal with this problem. However, while most people focus...
Does the state protect workers from harmful asbestos exposure?
Before the late 1970s, asbestos was commonly used in uncontrolled ways, leading to millions of people becoming sick and even dying from mesothelioma and other diseases. Like other states, Illinois took direction from the federal government to control the use of...